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Especially developed by Okolab for all users of Lattice Light Sheet Systems.
Chamber’s base made by stainless steel type AISI 316.
  • Compatible with Lattice Light Sheet Systems
  • Operated by Okolab BOLD LINE temperature/gas/humidity controllers
  • Chamber’s base made by stainless steel type AISI 316
  • Cells are mounted on a standard, horizontally-oriented 5mm round coverslip
  • Uniformly heated by means of embedded electric resistances
  • Collars for objectives in use, included
  • Supporting brackets included
  • To control the humidity into the chamber humidity module is recommended: HM-ACTIVE

Koehler illumination ?

Remove the chamber riser and use the Koehler Lid

H301-LLSM-SS316 base and lid

Perfusion ?

Each chamber features up to 12 holes for inlet and outler of perfusion tubings

H301-LLSM-SS316 and collars for objectives

Different sample holder ?

Change the chamber insert. It is a 5 seconds task with the magnetic sample holders

Keep the sample in the correct position by using the Magnetic Locks